Friday, 7 March 2014

Highchair revamp

Our little Beau is growing up fast! he was two this past Feb and what a little man he is becomming.

Yes, two, so you can imagine....he is starting to explore his growing independance and loves to try everything for himself. For example eating his dinner using his cutlery and drinking from a "big" cup, not a sippy cup all the time.

He's getting so tall and he is fast out-growing his highchair, but still not quite big enough to sit in a normal sized chair at the table. So instead of going out and buying an "in-between" toddler chair I decided to just adapt the one he has.
 He looooves it, especially because he can climb in and out by himself now too and now he sits at the table properly with us. I love seeing my beautiful family together at the table. We have so much quality time there, talking and listening to each other, laughing, etc. One of my favourite times of the day....

(Anyhoo, one of our neighbours kindly gave us this lovely chair as their grandchildren had outgrown it). I love the old retro look it has, just needed a little extra TLC to give it a little lift. And what better colour than a beautiful, fresh, happy, sunshiny, (unisex) yellow! (Dandelion Yellow by British Paints)

Heres the pics....really happy with how it turned out and I think Beau is too.

Deahne xo


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Just Keep Calm

Hiya! have completed another drawing last night, this one I put alot more detail into, took me a good few days and enjoyed every minute!

(Even managed to inspire the girls to turn off their gadgets and do some more drawing too.)

I took inspiration from some favourite prints/artworks by Marimekko, Laura Blythman and also from the dark recesses of the creative side of my brain hehehe.

Here was my work in progress, started last week....

Anyhoo, below, the finished work....done in black Bic marker extra fine point.

 A couple closer shots: (from my instagram and also camera/iphoto experimenting with different settings.)

Framed finished product

(I left the bottom open for interpretation ie Keep Calm and.....dream, draw, love, enjoy, etc) infact I am thinking of adding white cut out letters and doing different versions (ie my fave is dream) so on a printout of my drawing I can get it copied however with whatever...

Main reason I left it unsaid was because......well, just, keep calm.

Here are two artworks done by Hayley (10) and Ashley (7). We LOVE Laura Blythman and her whimsical animal art, so they took inspiration and had a go themselves, experimenting with all sorts of patterns and shapes, etc. Will be framing these for sure.


For some beautiful Laura Blythman art the link is here!